
Do you want to revisit the exhibitions in a 360° visual? With special thanks to my friend photographer Servaas Van Belle. Enjoy!

ATELIER at HANGAR Art center Brussels - Belgium: https://stephanvanfleteren.servaasvanbelle.be/2025/atelier360c/

KOMPELKOPPEN at CC-Muze - Heusden Zolder - Belgium: https://360kompelkoppen.servaasvanbelle.be

SURFTRIBE at Bordeaux - France: https://surftribe360bordeaux.servaasvanbelle.be

PRESENT at FoMu Antwerp - Belgium: https://present.servaasvanbelle.be/20200217/

SURFTRIBE at Kunsthal Rotterdam: https://kunsthal360.servaasvanbelle.be/bis.html

Solo Exhibitions

Transcripts of a Sea > SOON 19/09/2025 MSK Gent

Péérdevisschers Navigo Oostduinkerke, Belgium - 28/09/2024-06/01/2026

Atelier - Stephan Vanfleteren 2024 Hangar Art Center - Brussels, Belgium - 13/09/2024 - 21/12/2024

L’Ombre de la Lumière 2024: Delen Private Bank, Luxembourg,

Nature Morte - Still life 2023 Galerie Rabouan Moussion, Paris, FR, 11/11/2023-31/12/2023

Kompelkoppen 2022: ZLDR Luchtfabriek, 01/11/2022-28/01/2023

Catching Light, Freezing Time 2022: Sotheby’s Brussels, 10/10/2022-16/12/2022

2019/2020: FOMU, Antwerpen, Belgium – 25 October 2019 - 14 September 2020

Surf Tribe
2018: Scharpoord, Knokke-Heist, Belgium
2018: Kunsthal, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2019: Kahmann Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2019: Liberté! Bordeaux 2019, L’esprit des Lumières, Bordeaux, France 2020: Navigo, Oostduinkerke, Belgium – 18 September 2020 - 15 April 2020 2020: Dauberte, Bordeaux, France

2007/2008: Fomu Antwerp, Belgium
2009: Botanique, Brussel, Belgium
2011/2012: Gallery Von Kories, Hamburg, Germany
2012: Imagesingulière, Sète, France
2014/2015: Gallery Von Kories, Berlin, Germany   

Portret 1989-2009

2009/2010: Wintercircus Mahy, Gent, Belgium 
2010: Centre Céramique, Maastricht, Netherlands
2011: C-Mine, Genk, Belgium


2007: Host Gallery London, UK
2010: Fotomuseum Rotterdam, Netherlands
2011: Flanders Centre, Osaka, Japan
2013: Flanders Centre, Osaka, Japan
2009 tot 2014: In almost all the Flemisch Cultural Centre

2020: FOMU, Antwerpen, Belgium – Juin 2020 - 14 September 2020

Michel 2019: Museum Guislain, Gent, Belgium – December 2019

Flakkelan 2010: Fries Museum, Leeuwarden, Netherlands

En avant marche
2012/2013: Huis van Alijn, Gent, Belgium

Façades & Vitrines
2013: Aller-Retour, Budafabriek, Kortrijk, Belgium
2014: Gallery Von Kories, Hamburg, Germany 

2014: Botanique, Brussels, Belgium
2015: C-Mine, Genk, Belgium

Atlantic Wall
2014: Atlantic Wall Museum, Raversyde, Belgium

2015: Musée de la photographie de Charleroi, Belgium

The angels of the sea
2016: Navigo, National Fishermuseum, Oostduinkerke, Belgium
2020: Het Scheepvaartmuseum, Amsterdam, Nederland – 18 September 2020 - 15 April 2020

Iceskaters – Icons
2017: Thialf, Heerenveen, Netherlands

The People of Mercy
2017: Lauranda, Antwerp,Belgium  

Duo or Group Exhibitions

20 ans, des mers et des océans 2024: Box Galerie, Brussels

Highlight 2024: Galerie Rabouan Moussion, Paris

Voilà - Jan Hoet 2024: Sint-Jacobschurch , Gent

UniQue 2024: Hangar Art Centre, Brussels

Rabouan Moussion 2024: Bretagne, France

Agents of Concern 2023-2024: PXL-MAD Gallery, Hasselt, Belgium

Coronawalks 2023: Villa Zephyr, Westende, Belgium

Gutter in Arduino 2022: August – Brasschaat, Belgium

FLASH I BACK 2022: Mauritshuis, Den Haag, Netherlands

Art Brussels 2022,2023: Gallery FIFTY ONE, Brussels, Belgium

Art Antwerp
2021,2023: Gallery FIFTY ONE, Antwerp, Belgium

2021,2022: Palais Éphémère, Gallery FIFTY ONE, Paris, France

De Laatste IJslandvissers
2021: Venetiaanse Gaanderij, Ostend, Belgium

Capturing Life
2021: Viviane Maier><Stephan Vanfleteren, Gallery FIFTY ONE, Antwerp, Belgium

Iconobelge II
2020: Antwerp Photo, Antwerp, Belgium

Art Brussels
2020: Art Brussels

Het Gloren - Amenra
2019: Menen Cultuurhuis De Steiger, Belgium 

Nude Now
2019: Museum Hilversum,Netherlands (July)

Nature Morte
2019: Museum Tot Zover, Amsterdam

Pop up Amelisweerd
2019: MOA Bunnik, Netherlands (Juin)

Cannes Portraits
2019: Naarden Fotofestival, Netherlands (May) 

Haute Photography - Surf Tribe
2019: Rotterdam, Netherlands

Cannes Portraits
2018: Visa Pour L’image – Archipel, Perpignan 

2018: A-Galerie,Brussels, Belgium

Aan Zee
2018: Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Netherlands 

2018: AntwerpPhoto, Belgium  

Hollandse Koppen
2018: Amsterdam Museum, Netherlands 

Promesses d’un visage
2018: Koninklijk museum voor Schone kunsten van België,Brussels, Belgium.

Façades & vitrines
2018: Haute Photographie, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Wolkers geportretteerd
2017: Markststeeg 10, Leiden, Netherlands

Fisherman on horse, Marius
2017: Navigo, National Fishermuseum, Oostduinkerke, Belgium 

Vive Labeur, Chinese portraits
2017: Chapel, Poperinghe, Belgium  

2017: Mythos Tour De France, NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, Germany

Atlantic Wall
2017: Fotografiska, Stockholm, Sweden  
2017: Photo Basel Art Fair, Swiss

The angels of the sea
2017: Haute Photographie, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2017: Photofair, Shanghai, China
2017: Amsterdam Art Fair, Netherlands

2016: A-Galerie, Brussels, Belgium  

2016: La Photographie Galerie, Brussels, Belgium

Façades & Vitrines
2016: Frankfurt – Griesheim

Verfraaiing-Het Verbeelde westen
2016: Embassy Belgium, Den Haag, Netherlands 

Stil Leven
2016: MOA Bunnik, Netherlands 

2016: Embassy Netherlands, Paris, France

2015: Unseen, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Facing Japan
2015: Museum Dr. Guislain, Gent, Belgium

The Pistil's Waltz
2015: Fifty One Photography Gallery, Antwerp

Modern Times
2014: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands 

In de Marge
2011: Museum Dr.Guislain, Gent, Belgium

Belgium Nomads
2003: Gallery FIFTY ONE – Antwerp, Belgium

World Press Photo
1995-96-97-99-2001-2004-2013:All over the world

Tales from a Globalizing World
2003-2010: Genève, NY, Dhaka and all over world

1999-2000: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands
2013: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands

Faces Now
2015: BOZAR, Brussel, Belgium
2015: Fotomuseum Rotterdam, Netherlands
2015: Fotomuseum Thessaloniki, Greece

Elvis & Presley
2001: Verona, Italy
2001: Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool, UK
2003: Gallery FIFTY ONE, Antwerp, Belgium